CIRCULAR NO. 49/2019 - Submitting of Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts duly approved by the State Council to the National Headquarters...reg.

Dear Sir/Madam,

According to the Rules of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, all the State Associations are affiliates to the National Association which is a Society registered under Societies Registration Act, 1860. According to the administrative and financial norms, all the State Associations are independent and having powers as stated in the Rules of the Bharat Scouts and Guides.

The Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts of the State Associations duly approved by the State Council are to be submitted to the National Headquarters for office record.

It is found that in some cases the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts duly approved by the State Council is not received at the National Headquarters.

In view of the above, it is requested that the Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2017-2018 duly approved by the State Council (held before 30th September 2018) to be submitted to the National Headquarters by post as the hard copies are required for audit purpose.

If the printing of Annual Report and Audited Statement of Accounts in regional languages, the same may be submitted. No need to translate and get certified copies.

Any State Association who could not conduct the State Council on or before 30th September 2018 may communicate the same to the National Headquarters in writing along with reason thereof.

Thanking  you,

Yours Sincerely,


(Krishnaswamy R.)

Officiating Director



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