Milestones of BSG


- Himalayan Trekking, coastal trekking, desert trekking and skating tour were organized for the first    time.
- The Golden Jubilee Jamboree of the Bharat Scouts & Guides was held at Thorapakkam (Chennai).    Over 10,000 Scouts & Guides participated in it.
- Twinning Projects such as HAPI; Summer Camp to motivate youths towards Gandhian Philosophy,    Seminar on ‘Towards a Youth Policy’ organized in collaboration with Urvi Vikram Trust, ‘Clean UP The    World’ in collaboration with Australian High Commission, ‘Ground Water Awareness Project’, ‘Iodized    Deficiency Awareness Programme’, ‘Heritage Proficiency Project’ etc. were undertaken.
- Bharat Scouts & Guides Parliamentary Union envisaged Scout/Guide organization in the Indian    schools in other countries (Qatar, Saudi Arabia etc) promoted.
- Scouts & Guides Units in the Tibetan schools were affiliated to Bharat Scouts & Guides.
- Golden Jubilee Grameen Rover/Ranger & Tribal Scout/Guide held at National Camping Complex    Gadpuri.
- BS&G Flag day celebrated.
- The Golden Jubilee Millennium National Integration Rally organized at STC, Nizammudin, New Delhi.
- Bunny Scheme was approved and adopted by the National Council of the Bharat Scouts & Guides.
- Forty Third APR Basic Management Course was held at National Headquarters, New Delhi.
- First Jamboree of the Former Rashtrapati Scouts /Guides /Rovers /Rangers organized by the West    Bengal State of Bharat Scouts & Guides.
- New twinning projects undertaken such ‘Leprosy Eradication Programme’ in collaboration with the    BBC, World Service Trust.
- Shiksha Yatra organized to promote ‘Fundamental Rights of the Child’ in collaboration with the ‘South    Asia Coalition on Child Servitude.’
- Relief services were rendered to the earthquake victims in Gujarat.


- SAARC Scout/Guide Friendship Camp organized in Maldives. 22 Scouts & Guides from India attended.
- First Golden Arrow Badge Award Rally held at National Headquarters, New Delhi.
- Strategic Planning Workshop was organized in collaboration with the Asia Pacific Regional Scouts.
- First Workshop on Heritage Badge held at Southern Rly. State Trg. Centre, Mandapam .
- Indian Guides participated in the Draig-y-Coed International Camp organized by the Girl Guide    Association of U.K.
- Indian Guide Leaders attended International Peace Camp organized by the Girl Scouts of Korea.
- Rajan Jim held at Kandy Srilanka.
- Thirteen Guides with three leaders from India participated in Anglia- Bridge 2003 U.K.
- First International Seminar on ‘Resource Development’ conducted by APR Scout Bureau at Jakarta.
- Seminar on ‘Images of Girl Guiding and Girl Scouts’.
- APR Development Workshop (Guide Wing) in Korea.
- Training and Re-orientation Programme for the Scout and Guide unit leaders held at National    Headquarters by the BS&G for Iodine Deficiency Awareness.
- APR Workshop on Public Relations, activermation Communication Technology and Marketing    conducted.
- Forty Fourth APR Basic Management Course held at Jaipur.
- Children of Today – Citizens of Tomorrow event organized at Sangam, Pune.
- APR Workshop on ‘Risk & Safety’ conducted in Singapore attended by 45 Scout Leaders from 10    countries.
- Big seven & UNICEF Workshop on ‘the involvement of youth in Decision Making’, held in Geneva,    Switzerland.
- Golden Jubilee Meeting of the National Council of the Bharat Scouts & Guides held in National    Headquarters, New Delhi
- APR Workshop on the Promotion of Rover Scouting
- First Rashtarpati Scout Testing Camp of Scouts was held at Indian School Salabah Amman. Sh. Aroop    Sarkar, ROC, Northern Region conducted the camp.


- IV SAARC & VII Bangladesh Jamboree held at Morchak, Distt. Ghazipur, New Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- ‘Spirit of Adventure’ Seminar organized by WAGGGS at Sangam Centre Pune.
- International Gathering on Environment organized in Sharjah UAE.
- First Conference of Commissioners of North East Region.
- ‘Holistic Living’ Programme was organized at Sangam Centre, Pune.
- SAJ Invitation Progarmme 2003-2004 organized by the Scout Association of Japan to promote    International understanding and friendship.
- First APR Seminar on ‘Learning Organisation (S)’ was held at B.P. International Home, HongKong.
- XIII Pakistan National Jamboree held at Islamabad. A contingent of 121 Scouts and leaders of Bharat    Scouts & Guides participated under the leadership of Sh. N.A. Khan, Chief Commissioner (S).
- Special SAARC Integration Camp conducted at Gulmarg, J&K
- Action in the Community Programme organized at Sangam Pune
- XXIV Asia Pacific and XI Korean Jamboreee held.
- XII World Scout Moot was held at Taiwan. Production cum Training Centre opened at National Youth    Complex, Gadpuri.
- Chairman, World Board, WAGGGS Mrs. Kirsty Gray visited Delhi.
- II APR Unit Leader Round Table was conducted in Bangladesh. Its theme was ‘Back to the Troop’.
- APR Workshop on activermation Communication Technology was organized in Japan.
- Workshop on Heritage Proficiency was held in BS&G State Hqtrs. Tamilnadu.
- National Council elects Shri Rameshwar Thakur as the President and Sh. L. M.Jain as the National    Commissioner.
- National Level Rover Moot, Srilanka held.
- XXI APR Scout Conference organized at Brunei Darussalam.
- Relief Service rendered by the Bharat Scouts & Guides State Association & National Headquarters to    help Tsunami affected families.

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