The Association is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act and is a non-official organisation and is non-political, non sectarian and non-communal in character
The Membership of the Association is open to citizens of India. Provided any citizen of any other Nation may be admitted as a member on the recommendation of the State Chief Commissioner and the approval of the Chief National Commissioner.
Provided further that such person subscribes to the Scout or Guide Promise as hereunder.
"On my honour I promise that I will do my best To do my duty to God* and India To help other people and To obey the Scout or Guide Law." Note * The Word 'Dharma' may be substituted for the word 'God' if so desired.
Religious and Moral Policy of the Scout and Guide Movement:
(1) The Religious and Moral Policy of the Scout and Guide Movement is based on reverence of God or Dharma, as the case may be.
(2) The Bharat Scouts and Guides Movement is non-communal and non-sectarian in character.
(3) Each Scout and Guide is free to profess and practise his or her religion.
(4) Each Scout and Guide is entitled to freedom of conscience.
(5) Each Scout and Guide shall practise tolerance and respect the faith of the other Scouts and Guides.
(6) Where a Group consists of members of one particular religion, the Group Leader may arrange if so desired for such religious observance and provide for such religious instruction as are common to the members of the Group.
(7) Where a Group consists of Scouts and Guides who profess different faiths the Group Leader may encourage and provide facilities for the observance of the respective religious practices ; but shall not hold any common religious service or practice.
(8) In a camp or at any rally or in any other function any form of daily prayer must be simple and non-denominational and attendance must be voluntary.
Scouts' Own and Guides' Own are held for full realisation of the signification of Duty to God or Dharma and the Promise and the Law.
Financial Policy
(1) The Bharat Scouts and Guides Association is voluntary and non-official in character.
(2) The income of the National Association shall consist of income from the properties of the Association, if any, Affiliation Fees and Individual Registration Fees, subscriptions from the Members, donations and contributions from the public, special funds raised from time to time and grants from the Governments, Central and State, and contributions from local authorities and other sources.
(3) The income of the State Association shall consist of income from the properties of the State Association, if any, Registration Fees, Individual Registration Fees, subscriptions, donations, contributions, special funds raised from time to time, grants from the State Government and the National Association and contributions from district or local authorities and other sources.
(4) The income of the District or Divisional Association as the case may be shall consist of income from the properties of the District or Divisional Association, if any, subscriptions, donations and contributions, special funds raised from time to time, Registration Fees, Renewal Fees, and Individual Registration Fees, and other sources, if any.
(5) The income of the Local Association shall consist of income from the properties of the Local Association, if any, subscriptions, donations and contributions, special funds raised from time to time, Registration Fees, Renewal Fees, and Individual Registration Fee, and other sources, if any.
(6) The Group income shall consist of income from properties, if any, subscriptions, donations and contributions, special funds raised from time to time and other sources, if any.
(7) The State Association, the District or Divisional Association or the Local Association or the Group shall raise funds only within their respective areas.
(8) It is the cardinal principle of the Scout and Guide Movement that a Scout or Guide shall earn money, but shall not solicit money. A Scout or a Guide shall not engage himself or herself or participate in street sales or collections except with the permission of the State Chief Commissioner and under the supervision of the concerned Local or District Association.
The Scout wing and The Guide wing
(1) Whenever and wherever the National Association, the State Association, the District or Divisional Association and the Local Association consists of Scouts and Guides, there shall be a Scout Wing and a Guide Wing.
(2) There shall be no common membership of boys and girls in Pack, Flock, Troop, Company, Crew, Team and Group : in other words Pack, Troop, and Crew are meant for boys, whereas Flock, Company and Team shall consist of girls only and there snail be a separate Group for Pack, Troop and Crew and a separate Group for Flock, Company and Team.
(3) Though separate, perfect co-operation, harmony and cordiality shall prevail between the Scout Wing and the Guide Wing.
(4) Training shall be separate for boys and girls at all levels : training of Commissioners may be separate or common ; training of Scouters and Guiders shall be separate except in the case of special courses, for which special permission of the Chief National Commissioner or the State Chief Commissioner as the case may be is necessary; boys and girls may, however, be brought together at Rallies and at other special functions with the permission of the concerned DCs. Exchange of Scout and Guide Instructors is also permissible with the approval of the concerned Commissioners.
Committee System
National Council
The National Council of the Association shall consist of
(1) The President;
(2) One or more but not more than six Vice-Presidents;
(3) The Chief National Commissioner;
(4) The Immediate Past Chief National Commissioner;
(5) The National Commissioner of Scouts;
(6) The National Commissioner of Guides;
(7) The International Commissioner of Scouts;
(8) The International Commissioner of Guides;
(9) The Deputy National Commissioner of Scouts;
(10) The Deputy National Commissioner of Guides;
(11) The National Treasurer;
(12) The Director;
(13) The Joint Director (Support Services);
(14) The Joint Director of Scouts (Operation);
(15) The Joint Director of Guides (Operation);
(16) The Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme);
(17) The Deputy Director of Guides (Girl Programme);
(18) The Deputy Director of Scouts (Leader Training);
(19) The Deputy Director of Guides (Leader Training);
(20) The Deputy Director of Scouts (Projects);
(21) The Deputy Director of Guides (Projects);
(22) One or more but not more than twelve National Headquarters Commissioners for both Scout and Guide Wings.
(23) The State Chief Commissioners;
(24) The State Commissioner of Scouts;
(25) The State Commissioner of Guides;
(26) One or more but not more than seven members co-opted by the National Council on the recommendation of the National Executive Committee, at least three of whom shall be women and one B S & G Fellow.
(27) Elected representatives of the State Association at the rate of one member for every 8000 Scouts and one member of 5000 Guides, computed on the census for the last but one year preceding the election but not more than six members in all from a State but not less than one member from the Scout Wing and one member from the Guide Wing of each state with not less than 1500 Scouts and not less than 500 Guides registered with the State Associations. Provided, where the number of Guides in a state is more than 5,000 at least two members from the Guide Wing shall be included in the representatives of the State Associations. Explanation: The Word 'Scout' includes Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and the word 'Guide' includes Bulbuls, Guides and Rangers.
(a) In case of Railway States: The newly formed railway zones are recognised as states for the purpose of their representation on the National Council and also to work / function within the framework of rules given in the RULES BOOK of the Bharat Scouts and Guides raising the total number of railway states from 9 to 16.
(b)From the eligible number of National Council members, following members will have the power of voting in the election once in five years for electing the office bearers of the National Council and whenever voting is resorted to in the National Council meeting.
(i) State Chief Commissioner
(ii) A representative from Scout wing if admissible as per census mentioned in Rule 6 (27)
(iii) A representative from Guide Wing if admissible as per census mentioned in Rule 6 (27).
(iv) The State Commissioner (Scouts) and the State Commissioner (Guides) will also be the member of National Council however, their status will be that of the Non-Voting members.
Note: This has been formally agreed by the Chairman, Railway Scout Guide Board in writing vide his formal letter No: D.O. NO. E (W) 2008/WE - 6/18 dated: 18.03.2014 to the Hon'ble National Commissioner, Bharat Scouts and Guides. The above has also been recommended by the Railway Coordination Sub Committee in its meeting held on 06th July, 2014 at National Headquarters.
(28) One or more but not more than five members at the rate of one member for every ten Life Members elected by the Life Members of the National Association from among themselves one of whom shall be a woman.
(29) One or more but not more than ten members elected by the Ordinary Members of the National Association from amongs themselves at the rate of one member for every 100 members one of whom shall be a woman;
(30) One or more but not more than six Special Members admitted as such by the National Council for meritorious service rendered to the Movement.
(31) Two young leaders below the age of 30 years co-opted by the President on recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner from among the members of National Association, one of whom shall be a woman.
Provided, however, the National Council shall have the power to act not withstanding any vacancy in the membership there of.
Provided, further, that any member of the National Council who is a member by virtue of office shall cease to be a member of the Council when he/she ceases to hold such office.
Duration of the National Council
The National Council shall continue for Five years from the date of its first meeting. Provided, that the duration of the National Council may be extended but not more than twelve months on the recommendation of the National Executive Committee by a decision of 2/3 majority of members present at a Special Meeting of the National Council called for the purpose, notice of which shall be given to every member of the National Council, not less than one month prior to the meeting.
Powers and Functions of the National CouncilCouncil
(1) The National Council shall be a supreme body of the Bharat Scouts and Guides;
its decisions of all the matters not expressly provided for in the Rules, the A.P.R.O and the Bye Laws shall be final.
(2) The powers and functions of the National Council are:
(a) to lay down the Policy of the Movement;
(b) to elect when due to the office bearers and the members of the National Executive Committee and the members of the Finance Committee in accordance with the Rules and Bye Laws of the National Association;
(c) to consider and approve the Budget of the National Association;
(d) to consider and approve the Annual Report and the Annual Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet of the National Association;
(e) (i) to lay down the Rules of the National Association, the State Association, the District or Divisional Association and the Local Association and Group Organization and make additions, deletions, amendments and alterations there to;
(ii) to lay down the bye- laws of the National Association and to make additions, decisions, deletions, amendments and alterations there to;
(iii) to lay down Rules for Uniform, Warrants, Decorations and Awards;
(f) to acquire, hold, administer, pledge, mortgage, alienate and dispose of property movable and immovable;
(g) to lend and borrow with or without security and to raise funds and invest money for any of the purposes of the National Association;
(h) to appoint Auditors and fix for their remuneration;
(i) to do all other things as are required for the furtherance of the Aims and Objects of the Association.
Meetings of the National Council:
Meetings of the National Council:
10. Meetings of the National Council:
(1) The Ordinary Annual Meetings:
(a) The National Council shall ordinarily meet once every year not later than 30th November or on such date or dates as may be decided by the National Executive Committee in consultation with the President.
(b) Notice of such meeting with time and date and place shall be sent to the members at least sixty day before the date of the meeting and the Agenda shall be sent at least one month before the date of meeting.
(c) Notice of Resolutions duly proposed and seconded and subjects to the consideration of the National Council shall reach the Director 30 days before the date of the meeting.
(d) Such resolutions and subjects as are admitted by the President in consultation with the Chief National Commissioner shall be communicated to the members of the National Council fourteen days before the date of the meeting.
(e) The quorum of the meeting shall be one-tenth of total number of members of the National Council or 30 members whichever is less.
(e) Save as otherwise provided in the Societies Registration Act (Act XXI) of 1860 and in these rules all questions before the National Council shall be decided by a simple majority of vote. In case of equal number of votes, the Chairman of the Meeting shall have a casting vote, in addition to his own vote.
(f) The president shall preside over the meeting of the National Council. In the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents, senior by age, shall preside. In the absence of the President, and the Vice-Presidents one of the members elected by the members present, shall preside.
(2) Business to be transacted at the Ordinary Annual Meeting:
At the Ordinary Annual Meeting the following business shall be transacted:-
Confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting;
Business Arising;
Consideration and adoption of the Annual Report;
Consideration and adoption of the Audited Statement of Accounts and Balance Sheet; Consideration and approval of the Budget; Consideration of resolutions and subjects of which the Notice has been given;
Consideration of such matters as have been tabled by the National Executive Committee and included in the Agenda;
Consideration of matters not included in the Agenda but which are brought before the Council with the permission of the President;
Election of the Office Bearers and members of the National Executive Committee and Finance Committee when due;
Consideration of the appointment of Auditors and fix remuneration when due.
(3) The Adjourned Ordinary Annual Meeting:
If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present the meeting shall stand adjourned for one hour from the appointed time to be held at the same place and at such adjourned meeting, not withstanding want of quorum, the members present may transact the business tabled for the meeting, but no other business.
(4) Special Meeting:
(a) A Special Meeting of the National Council other than a Special Meeting for the purpose of Section 12 of the Societies Registration Act may be convened either by the Chief National Commissioner or the National Executive Committee in consultation with the President for transaction of specified business.
(b) A Special Meeting of the National Council shall also be convened on receipt of a written requisition by at least one third of the members of the National Council for the transaction of the business specified in the requisition.
(c) Notice of such Special Meeting other than a Special Meeting for the purpose of section 12 of Societies Registration Act, with date, place, time and the Agenda shall be given not less than 30 days before the date of the meeting.
(d) The quorum for any such Special Meeting shall be one fifth of the members of the National Council or forty
(40) whichever is less and the provisions of Rule 10 (3) shall not apply to such Special Meeting.
National Executive Committee:
1. (a) The National Executive Committee shall consist of :
i) The Chief National Commissioner;
ii) The National Commissioner of Scouts;
iii) The National Commissioner of Guides;
iv) The International Commissioner of Scouts;
v) The International Commissioner of Guides;
vi) The Deputy National Commissioner of Scouts;
vii) The Deputy National Commissioner of Guides;
viii) The National Treasurer;
ix) All the National Headquarters Commissioners;
x) The Director;
xi) The Joint Director (Support Services);
xii) The Joint Director of Scouts (Operations);
xiii) The Joint Director of Guides (Operations);
xiv) The Deputy Director Scouts (Leader Training);
xv) The Deputy Director Guides (Leader Training);
xvi) The Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme);
xvii) The Deputy Director of Guides (Girl Programme);
xvii) The Deputy Director of Scouts (Projects)
xix) The Deputy Director of Guides (Projects).
(b) Twenty five Members elected by the National Council from among the representatives of State Associations in the National Council, twelve of whom shall be women, provided however, not more than two members, one of whom shall be a woman, shall be elected from any of the State Associations. In case, no nomination is received from women, the vacancies will be filled by men and vice versa.
(c) Two members co-opted by the National Executive Committee from among the members of the National Association, one of whom shall be woman.
(d) Two young leaders below the age of 30 years co-opted by the Chief National Commissioner from among the members of National Association on recommendation of National Commissioner, one of whom shall be woman.
(2) The term of the National Executive Committee shall be co-terminous with the terms of the National Council. Provided, any member of the National Executive Committee who is a member by virtue of his office shall cease to be a member of the National Executive Committee when he ceases to hold such office. Provided, further, the National Executive Committee shall have power to act not withstanding any vacancy in the membership.
(3) The Chief National Commissioner shall be the Chairman and the Director shall be the Secretary of the National Executive Committee.
(4) The National Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every year and as often as necessary for transaction of business.
Powers and Functions of the National Executive Committee are:
(1) to affiliate the State Associations;
(2) to form and reform State Associations;
(3) to lay down the policy with regard to the General Scheme of Training of Adult Leaders; and for Advancement of Cubs, Scouts, Rovers, Bulbuls, Guides and Rangers on the recommendations of the Rules Committee and Sandhan;
(4) to determine the membership of a person;
(5) to recommend any special case of registration and administration of Scout and Guide Groups in an area or areas subject to the approval of the National Council;
(6) to convene the meeting of the National Council;
(7) to control and administer the funds and properties movable and immoveable of the National Associations;
(8) to recommend to the National Council consideration, approval and adoption of the Budget, Annual Statement of Accounts, Balance Sheet and the Annual Report;
(9) to elect the National Treasurer when due;
(10) i) On the recommendations of the Chief National
Commissioner to appoint seven Trustees of whom Chief National Commissioner, National Commissioner of Scouts, National Commissioner of Guides, shall be ex-officio members and the remaining four members will be for a period of not exceeding five years.
(ii) The whole or part of properties, movable and immovable of National Association, shall be held by the Trustees in Trust for the Associations.
(iii) Whenever any vacancy occurs due to death, resignation or removal, a new Trustee for the remainder of the term shall be appointed by the National Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Chief National Commissioner.
(11) to appoint Special officers and Special Committee for special purpose, whenever, necessary;
(12) to frame the Rules of the National Association, the State Associations, the District or Divisional Associations, the Local Associations and the Group Organizations and the Rules and A.P.R.O.s and make additions, deletions, amendments and alterations thereto subject to the approval of the National Council;
(13) to frame the Bye-Laws of the National Association, with such modifications as may be necessary subject to the approval of the National Council;
Note: The National Executive Committee may refer the suggestions for the amendments, additions, deletions, and alterations of the above to the Rules Committee for its examinations and recommendations.
(14) to sanction posts, to fix scales of pay and to frame the Service Rules for the stipendiary officers and employees for the National Association;
(15) to decide on the institution of the Award and matters incidental thereto;
(16) to decide the design and production of Badges;
(17) to decide on matters as regards the World Organisation of Scout Movement and World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts;
(18) to sanction and approve the organization of National and International Conferences, Rallies, Jamborees, Training Camps and Social Services;
(19) to fix the Annual Affiliation fee payable to the National Association by the State Associations and the Annual Individual Registration fee payable to the National Association by each Scout, Guide, Scouter and Guider registered with the State Associations;
(20) to deal with matters in regard to the control and coordination of Training and Programmes and activities;
(21) to advise on and coordinate the programme and activities of the State Associations, and enforce observance of Aims and Objects, Rules, Policy and Organisation;
(22) to uphold and promote the Aims and Objects of the Bharat Scouts and Guides and promote cooperation between the various State Associations, other organizations with similar aims and objects; and
(23) to do all matters connected with the National Association.
Meeting of the National Executive Committee:
(1) The National Executive Committee shall meet at least once in every year and so often as may be decided by the Chief National Commissioner for transaction of business.
(2) Notice of the Meeting with time, date and place together with the Agenda shall be sent to the members by post not less than twenty one days before the meeting.
(3) (a) Eight members of whom at least four are elected members shall form the quorum;
(b) If within half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting, a quorum is not present, the meeting shall stand adjourned for one hour from the appointed time, at the same place and a such adjourned meeting, not withstanding want of quorum, the members present may transact the business tabled for the meeting, but no other business.
(4) The Chief National Commissioner shall preside over the meeting of the National Executive Committee and in the absence of the Chief National Commissioner, one of the members present and elected shall preside over the meeting of the National Executive Committee.
(5) At the instance of the Chief National Commissioner, urgent matters may be passed by the National Executive Committee in circulation by a majority of the total number of members and the same shall be reported to the National Executive Committee at its next meeting.
The National Planning Committee:
(1) There shall be a National Planning Committee. The National Planning Committee shall consist of the Chief National Commissioner, the National Commissioners of Scouts and Guides, the International Commissioners of Scouts and Guides, the Director, the Joint Director (Support Services), the Joint Director of Scouts and Guides (Operations) and the chairpersons of the State Planning Committee. The Chief National Commissioner will be the chairman and Director the Convenor.
(2) The National Planning Committee shall consolidate all plans received from the State Planning committees and prepare a National plan both for long and short terms in consonance with policies laid down by the National Council and set National Targets after evaluating the outcome to previous year's performance of the organization.
(3) The National Planning Committee shall meet in December every year and publish the Plan at the earliest.
The Finance Committee:
(1) The Finance Committee shall consist of the Chief National Commissioner, the National Commissioner of Scouts, the National Commissioner of Guides, the National Treasurer, Director, Joint Director (Support Services) and not more than five members elected by the National Council from among the members, two of whom shall be women. In case, no nomination is received from women, the vacancies will be filled by men and vice versa.
(2) The Chief National Commissioner shall be the Chairman of the Finance Committee and the National Treasurer shall be the Secretary of the Committee.
(3) The function of the Finance Committee shall be to raise funds and to examine and formulate the Budget, the Annual Statement of Accounts and the Balance Sheet and such other financial matters as may be referred to it by the Chief National Commissioner for being placed before the National Executive Committee.
The Rules Committee
(1) The Rules Committee shall consist of the Chief NationalCommissioner,theNationalCommissioners of Scouts and Guides, the Deputy National Commissioners of Scouts and Guides, Director, Joint Director (Support Services), Joint Directors of Scouts and Guides (Operations), Deputy Director of Scouts and Guides (Leader Training), Deputy Director of Scouts and Guides (Boy/Girl Programmes), the Deputy Director of Scouts and Guides (Projects). Six Leader Trainers one each from Cub, Scout, Rover, Bulbul, Guide and Ranger Sections, Two Youth Committee representatives and such other members as may be nominated by the National Executive Committee on the recommendations of the Chief National Commissioner.
(2) The Chairman of the Rules Committee shall be nominated by the Chief National Commissioner.
(3) The Director shall be the Secretary of the Rules Committee.
(4) All suggestions of amendments, additions, deletions and alterations of the Rules of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, A.P.R.O. Part 1, Part II and Part III or the Bye Laws of the Bharat Scouts and Guides, suo moto of the suggestions received from the members of the Rules Committee or the State Associations or the members of the National Council-these shall be first considered by the Rules Committee and the Rules Committee shall make its recommendations thereon to the National Executive Committee.
National Adult Resource Management Committee
(1) There shall be a National Adult Resource Management Committee appointed by the Chief National Commissioner to give recommendation periodically to the National Council and National Executive Committee about the all round development and management of adult resources in the Movement.
(2) The National Adult Resources Management Committee shall consist of Chairman nominated by Chief National Commissioner, Deputy National Commissioner of Scouts and Guides. Joint Director of Scouts and Guides, Deputy Director of Scouts and Guides (Leader Training), Deputy Director of Scouts and Guides (Boy/Girl Programme), National Headquarters Commissioners of Cubs, Scouts, Rovers, Bulbuls, Guides, Rangers and two members from Youth Committee and other members as nominated by the Chief National Commissioner. The senior most Joint Director (Scouts) or (Guides) shall be the Secretary.
The National Scout Committee
(a) There shall be a National Scout Committee appointed by the National Executive Committee. The National Commissioner of Scouts shall be the Chairman and the International Commissioner of Scouts, the Deputy National Commissioner of Scouts, the Joint Director of Scouts (Operations), the Deputy Director of Scouts (Leader Training), the Deputy Director of Scouts (Boy Programme), the National Headquarters Commissioner of Cubs, Scouts, Rovers and two Scout Commissioners who are members of the National Executive committee appointed by the Chief National Commissioner and one young adult leader below the age of 30 years nominated by the Chief National Commissioner in consultation with the National Commissioner of Scouts shall be the members of the National Scout Committee. The National Commissioner of Guides, the Director and the Secretary of National Guide Committee shall be the ex- officio members. The Joint Director of Scouts (Operation) shall be the Secretary.
(b) The National Scout Committee shall make recommendations to the National Planning Committee as regards the Programme of Training and other events and activities of the Scout Wing.
(c) The National Scout Committee shall be in charge of the expenditure of funds allocated for the Scout Wing subject to the overall control of the Chief National Commissioner
The National Guide Committee
(a) There shall be a National Guide Committee appointed by the National Executive Committee. The National Commissioner of Guides shall be the chairperson and the International Commissioner of Guides, the Deputy National Commissioner of Guides, the Joint Director of Guides (Operations) the Deputy Director of Guides (Leader Training), the Deputy Director of Guides (Girl Programme), the National Headquarters Commissioner for Bulbuls, Guides, Rangers and two Guides Commissioners who are members of the National Executive Committee appointed by the Chief National Commissioner and one young Adult Leader below the age of 30 years nominated by the Chief National Commissioner in consultation with the National Commissioner of Guides, shall be the members of the National Guide Committee. The National Commissioner of Scouts, the Director and the Secretary of the National Scout Committee shall be the ex-officio members. The Joint Director of Guides (Operations) shall be the Secretary.
(b) The National Guide Committee shall make recommendations to the National Planning Committee as regards the Programme of Training and other events and activities of the Guide Wing.
(c) The National Guide Committee shall be in charge of the expenditure of funds allocated for the Guide Wing subject to the overall control of the Chief National Commissioner.
National Youth Committee
National Scout and Guide Committee shall nominate members for the National Youth Committee from the State Youth Committee i.e. there shall be minimum five members from each wing and not more than twelve members in total including Chairperson and Vice Chairperson.
i. The National Youth Committee Chairman and Vice Chairman one of whom shall be young woman shall be nominated by the Chief National Commissioner.
ii. The Committee shall function in co-terminous with the National Council.
iii. The Youth Committee shall make recommendations to the National Scout & Guide Committee in respect with new activities to be conducted at National level.
iv. Two of the members from the Youth Committee shall be co-opted by the Chief National Commissioner as members of National Executive Committee, one of whom shall be woman in consultation with National Executive Committee.
Note: The Age of members of the Youth Committee should be between 18 to 30 years.